02 Apr
Announcement – Department of Registrar of Companies
Category: COVID-19, NEWS
Measures for assisting companies affected by coronavirus
02 Apr
Suspension Of Loan Instalments
Category: COVID-19, NEWS
Suspension of Loan instalments in Cyprus due to COVID-19
02 Apr
Cyprus Restrictive Measures
Category: COVID-19, NEWS
Restrictive Movement Measures for the treatment of Coronavirus
02 Apr
Suspension of Procedures and Executions of Evictions Legislation
Category: COVID-19, NEWS
The Council of Ministers approved a bill to suspend proceedings and the enforcement of any decision, or, eviction decree, due to non-payment of rent until 31 May 2020.
02 Apr
Aναστολή Aποπληρωμής Δόσεων Κεφαλαίου και Τόκων
Category: COVID-19, NEWS
Aναστολή αποπληρωμής δόσεων κεφαλαίου και τόκων για δάνεια προς χρηματοοικονομικούς οργανισμούς για περίοδο εννέα μηνών. Το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο την 26/03/2020 ενέκρινε την ακόλουθη...
17 May
Scheme of Investors Naturalisation
Category: NEWS
New and updated Regulation on the Naturalisation (Citizenship) of Investors in Cyprus by Investment on the basis of subsection (2) of section 111A of the Civil Registry Laws of 200...